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Amazon The Firm Body Sculpt Stephanie Carley I had the Firm Body Sculpting one about 10 years ago in VHS format and really liked it then I got noticable results within weeks by doing it 34 daysweek I lost my original copy somewhere along the time of switching from VHS to DVD and had been using other dvds when I decided to look for this one in dvd form THE FIRM VIDEOS Cathe Friedrich Fitness Forums The very first workout video I started with was the FIRMs Body Sculpting Basics and til this day I still find it very challenging I have tried some of the new ones but I did not like them very much Saundra The FIRM Body Sculpting Basics Review Body Sculpting Basics the very first FIRM workout ever produce clocks in at 60 minutes It has probably been a couple of years now since I have done this workout I am so happy to have a Chapter DVD version of the workout because it is truly a classic Amazon The FIRM Body Sculpting Basics Movies amp TV However when it comes to body reshaping and actually enjoying the workout nothing compares to this Firm program When you complete Vol 1 of The Firm you know you have done something and you will never find a workout that gives you these results using it only 3 or 4 x per week unless you are one of those people who enjoys those insanity type DVDs
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